Tuesday, March 18, 2014

No means no. Not "I do."

Don't let rapists off the hook

Stand with women and girls in Mozambique.

A Mozambican woman from Vinho village. Credit: AFP/Getty Images
Can you imagine if a rapist could avoid being charged for his crime by marrying the woman who survived his attack?

Mozambique lawmakers are debating a bill that would allow exactly that, unless human rights activists like you take action right now.

Raise a ruckus! Help Amnesty ratchet up the pressure on Mozambique authorities to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of women and girls.
Take Action!

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Dear Tracy,

This month, lawmakers in Mozambique will debate revisions to the Criminal Code that would allow a rapist to escape punishment – by marrying the woman he attacked.

No means no – not "I do.”

Please, help Amnesty stop this assault on the rights of women and girls in Mozambique. It forces survivors to endure the unthinkable.

If you were a woman or girl in Mozambique, not only could this law greatly increase social pressure to marry your rapist, it would actually prevent police from launching an investigation unless you (or a parent or guardian if you are a minor) made an official complaint.

It's a gross violation of women's rights.

Shine a light on this draconian bill and help Amnesty stop it before it becomes law.

Morocco had a law like this. It was repealed in January.

Why? How?

Because of outrage over the case of Amina Filali. She was forced to marry a man whom she said had raped her. In 2012, Amina lost all hope and swallowed rat poison and died shortly afterward.

She was just 16 years old.

When we raise our voices together, we can make a difference. Raise a furor over this bill – take action with Amnesty.

Thank you for standing with women and girls in Mozambique.

In solidarity,

Cristina M. Finch
Managing Director, Women's Human Rights Program
Amnesty International USA

Take Action! Donate Now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. Rape should not be rewarded with a marriage. Especially with a minor. The even thought of it is truly disturbing