Saturday, January 14, 2012

job joke/ comedy and genders/ funny video

Jan.11 Job joke: I got this from Daily Silly:

A man went to apply for a job. After filling out all of his applications, he waited anxiously for the outcome. The employer read all his applications and said, "We have an opening for people like you." "Oh, great," he said, "What is it?" "It's called the door!"

Little jokes: Here are a couple from Daily Silly. It's basically a set up, and a punchline.

"A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does."

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day."

This isn't from Daily Silly, it just showed up in my spam:

What is worse than a giraffe with a sore neck?
A centipede with athlete's foot.

Where did the kittens go on their class trip?
To a mewseum.

Comedy and genders: I think women can be funny and joke around, but they usually tell the plain truth. It's mean, but it's not funny. I was thinking about that online dating chat where I was IMing this guy, and then later he totally rejected me. I emailed all my friends about it.

When I was talking to my 20 yr old friend Maygen.

Me: Did you read my email about online dating?
Maygen: You mean the guy who was looking for a hookup?

Maygen dissed him, but it wasn't funny. At least not to me, but some of you may laugh.

When I was talking to my 24 yr old friend Leslie.

Me: Then he asked me "Do you like sex?"
Leslie laughs.
Me: Why are you laughing?
Leslie: Because it (the question) came out of nowhere.

Leslie laughed at him. She wasn't trying to be mean, but she laughed.

When I was talking to my 16 yr old friend Ray.

Me: He said "Yikes."
Ray: What is this guy? Like 16?

Ray dissed him for being immature. She wasn't laughing as she was saying it.

When I talked to my 24 yr old friend Dan N.

Dan N. (laughing): What is this guy? Like 13? Asking "Have you ever had sex before? Have you ever done it?" Not knowing what it is.

Dan N. was laughing and made a snarky comment.

Genders being mean: I was comparing this to that "genders being mean" subject about that Jamie Kennedy Experiment show. They did that episode about a talent show, and the 2 male judges were totally mean and making snarky comments.

If there is a woman judge, she would diss him, but she would tell the plain truth like: "He can't ride a unicycle or juggle at the same time. He's not talented." It's mean, but it's the plain truth, and not funny. I went to the Youtube video again. I read some more people dissing the 2 male judges. Also one comment where someone said: "F--- the audience." The audience was mean too by laughing and booing at Jamie.

Funny video: I found this on my friend Heather's Facebook status. Here's some news with two TV hosts. "Belinda Heggen deals Mark Aiston a low blow."

Mark: ...Something so small can be so impressive.
Belinda: Well Mark, you would know about that. (Turns to camera). Thank you very much. Weathers next with Jane Riley-

I commented on the link: What? I'm putting this up on my blog and my Facebook page. This proves that women can be funny.

It was also so fast that the camera cut back to Belinda, they didn't show Mark's reaction. Also Belinda still managed to seem professional. I don't know, I'm over analyzing again. Maybe I have to see more videos of them together. They're either friends, or maybe they really hate each other.

Jan. 13: On Facebook, my friends Jayda and Judith "liked it."

Jayda said: I don't think the argument of whether or not women are funny even merits proof.

Me: A lot of people think women aren't funny, so I feel like there needs to be proof.

Jayda: Yeah it's a ridiculous argument... it's like arguing monkeys should be allowed to drive... doesn't even deserve validation.

Mr. D: Comedian Gerry Dee has a new sitcom called Mr. D. He plays a teacher and he was a teacher prior to being a comedian.

johncorraza: Thumbs up. Mr. D is to teachers what Michael is to office managers (in the TV show The Office.) Finally the CBC has programming that isn't contrived Canadian.

I have to agree that Mr. D has this vibe of a bad teacher like Michael is a bad office manager in The Office. I only saw this 2min clip, and not a whole episode.

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