Friday, October 21, 2011

law of attraction/ job interview article/ CPR

Oct. 19 Law of attraction: My sister was watching Happy Endings and they did a story about vision boards. I was on the computer, and listening to the TV. I have read The Secret: Teen Power which is about the "law of attraction." The whole point of a vision board is to put pictures of things you want in life from your job, money, relationships, friendships, where you want to vacation, and where you want to live, etc. The universe will then give these things to you due to your focused positive thinking.

I googled it and I liked all the vision boards I found from the images search. They're collages. If you've been to my room, I have collages. I made them since I was a teenager. I still have 4 big collages in my room since 2007. However, the pictures and words do keep changing because I put different things on them.

Inspiration: A few months ago, my sister gave me a whole bunch of her old magazines and I clipped some things out to put on my one collage. I wasn't seeing it as a "vision board", but I guess it could qualify as one.

There are also pictures of a photo shoot/ advertisement for Toby Lightman's music video "Real Love." TL is covering Mary J. Blige's song. The pictures are of people on a TV production set which is where I want to be. (From Ellegirl magazine.)

Here's some from Oprah magazine:

"Live your best life: Inspiration, motivation, celebration."

"Aiming higher."

"It's time to motivate yourself and overcome obstacles."

From Shop, Etc. magazine. There's an article about women who opened their own clothing stores:

"I'm doing something that I absolutely worship."- Dana Spinola

"This is what I want to be doing. This is it."- Tracey Ross

"It's not a job to me." -Elizabeth Charles

I got this from the Edmonton Journal: "Stitching dreams, pursuing passions."

Job interview article: Here's an article "The Most Important Interview Advice You'll Ever Hear" by Allison Green. The tip is: "The point of the interview is not to get a job offer. It's to figure out if you're a mutual match, emphasis on mutual."


-Is the work well aligned with your strengths--your real ones, not ones you puffed up in your cover letter?

-Is the environment one you'll thrive in?

-Is the manager someone you'd want to work with?

I like the comments.

Iraqi: Who would ever apply for a job they don't wish to work for?! No point.. unless they really need that money they'd make to live

Tracy (a woman from Toronto): Whats the point as the article says, going to a job if you will only be there a while. Trouble is unemployment want to see that you have applied or are seen trying to get a job and so too many idiots try out for jobs they really don't want to go to.

Darke Spectre: I knew someone who responded to a position where she had almost every item requested. Education, years of experience, etc. But the job went to another person we both knew. She had NO education, NO experience NOTHING to suit the job. However she was 22, single and had beautiful titties in a sweater.
The idiot hiring her isn't doing her a favor, now she gets stuck in a position she can't perform, her co-workers have to carry her load and become resentful and quit, etc, etc. You gotta wonder if the idiot hiring has a wife, sister, etc that he would like to see treated that way...

Me: They should fire her, or she should quit. They could teach her as much as they can, and if she doesn't learn after a certain amount of time, then she should get fired.

I have been forced to carry another co-workers' load and resent them. It was back at the Soup place where the one co-worker keeps missing Mon. and Tues. every week and not calling. Then another worker who keeps missing one or two days a week, but you can't predict when.

Manitoba Move: This person makes it sound like one can be picky about where to work, when in fact for most unemployed people, ANY job offer would be welcome. When jobs get over a thousand applicants, getting to the interview stage at all is marvelous, one cant afford to worry about whether the job is a good match or not.

Oct. 20 Job interview: Today I went to a job interview and it was 30min long. It was mainly the boss telling me about the company and giving me a tour. It's at a post office. The pros are they are looking for someone long-term, and it has benefits. I plan to stay there for more than a few months.

The cons is that I worry about not being good enough. He says it's like 2 weeks of training on the computer program and it seems challenging. I'm comfortable with computers, but he talked about people quitting because it's too hard to learn. However, I will give it a shot because it's better to try and fail, than not try at all and wonder "What if..?"

He talked about a worker who's been there over a month and thinks he's smarter than he really is. I immediately thought of that Cantonese phrase (written in English): "lan leck."

Hit-and-run news: I read about this in the Globe and Mail and the National Post. It's about this 2 yr old girl who was run over by 2 different cars in China. She has now died. I was upset reading the articles. I thought it was the "by-stander effect" as in someone else will help, but the thing is you need to help. Don't assume someone else will. The conclusion in the article was this:

"Many people in China are hesitant to help people who appear to be in distress for fear that they will be blamed. High-profile lawsuits have ended with good Samaritans ordered to pay hefty fines to individuals they sought to help."

At the very least, start calling 911 or call to somebody for help to call 911.

Flashback: Now I'm getting a flashback of gr. 5. I was at home and this girl Tanya comes to my house and says her sister Christina fell off her bike close to my house. My sister was with me and she said what I was thinking: "Do you want me to call 911?" T: "No."

I just go over to Christina and she was on the ground. Nothing was broken. I think another person was there. In my case, if I fell off my bike and nothing was broken, and one of my siblings was with me, I wouldn't go and call a friend to come over to help. There was nothing I could do to help C because there was nothing broken.

News: I'm getting another old flashback. I was reading this or it was on the internet. Someone died from a hit-and-run. They stopped to leave a note that said: "I'm sorry, but I have a family." I think the victim was a black man. That was interesting with the note, because I have never heard of a hit-and-run driver taking the time to write a note.

CPR: While I'm at it, I'll throw in other news that I read that if you have a heart attack and you're on the ground, there is only a 1 in 4 chance that someone will start CPR on you. The thing is, if you apply CPR on that person, there is a 75% chance they will survive. You don't even have to perform CPR perfectly for it to be effective.

You just need to start doing compressions on the person's chest. There is a law in Canada that protects good Samaritans trying to help.

Primetime: There's that news magazine show called Primetime where they do segments like "What would you do?" There are situations like if you see a man and a woman arguing with each other, do you step in to stop the argument?

Now I'm getting another flashback of 2005. I was riding on the bus and this woman in her early 20s talked about how this guy was drunk and walking on the street. These 2 other guys started hassling him and one of them pulls out a knife. This woman stepped in to stop it by saying something like: "Stop. He's just drunk."

I thought that woman was brave. She said on the bus: "I just moved to this part of town. After someone gets stabbed, I would have to move again."

Note: You guys are like "Where's the funny email of the week?" Consider last email with the funny video of a guy quitting his job with a marching band and the Punk'd episode the funny one.

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