Saturday, July 30, 2011

jokes/ funny schemes/ genders being mean

Jul. 27 Jokes: I was watching the Degrassi season finale "Drop the World." KC's friends gave him a gift before he's about to become a father. It's handcuffs to represent fatherhood. lol.

I got this flashback awhile ago about How I Met Your Mother. The "Whoo" Girls. A group of girls who cheer and say "Whoo!" about everything. Cut to each girl cheering, and the subtitle had a translation like: "I never get a second date."

Because that's like me. It's like I meet a guy and we go out once, and that's that.

Fun t-shirt: I was watching Pretty Little Liars and a guy was wearing a t-shirt that said:

"Nerds- picture of a heart- picture of an apple- and the symbol Pi.

Translate: "Nerds love apple pie."

Jul. 28 Funny schemes: I was thinking about schemes used on comedy shows. It was done on Summer Heights High which is a comedy. A guy Jonah drew a picture of his dad touching him so he can get out of English class. Jonah wasn't trying to be funny, but the story was.

If you are going to do that, it should be because you can't skip because you'll get detention. You can't fake sick because J could have done that earlier, and was caught at the mall when he should be at home sick. Also if there is a really big English test he didn't prepare for, and this was his last resort to draw the picture. If it was a regular English class without a test, then he should have gone to it.

There's The Simpsons which is a funny show. Bart does pranks and schemes all the time. Sometimes B does it to be funny like make prank phone calls to Moe's Tavern. There are times like he incited the teacher's strike so he won't have to go to school.

I like these kind of comedy situations to get what you want, but not take down people like on Gossip Girl.

Even on the crime drama In Plain Sight about working for Witness Protection. It surprised the audience. Mary, and her mom Jinx are having lunch with their daughter Brandy, and her fiance, and the fiance's parents.

Jinx: I made the seating arrangements for the party.
J brings up the board from an earlier scene.
J: It will be in Mary's yard and there is room for 100 people.
F's Mom: I wanted more like 400 people.

Brandy: This is like my mom's dream since I was a little girl to plan my wedding party.
Mary: Yeah, she put in a lot of effort last night.
M holds up the board again. lol.

The fiance's family will spend and plan the party. Then after lunch, Mary and Jinx were happy that the other family will do it.

Brandy: Did you just con them to plan the party?
Jinx: Yes.
B: That's good.

It was little like Gossip Girl, but this was funny and no one was trying to take someone down.

Fighting styles: I want to analyze some more.

My sister's fighting style is: "I want to hurt you."
My fighting style is: "I want to get you angry (angrier)."

Genders being mean: I was talking to my friend Angela about how people are jerks. Like on the Jamie Kennedy Experiment, there was a fake talent show. The two guy judges said all these mean comments about Jamie's performance behind his back. They don't ask the woman because she's actually in on the joke.

A: That's because women are generally more compassionate. I think those two guys were being mean so they could play it up to the audience. It's kind of like on American Idol where Simon says mean things to get a rise out of the audience. It gets ratings.

I see her point. I think women aren't trying to be mean, but they tell it like it is. They are more like brutally honest instead of trying to be funny, mean, and get a rise out of audience. I had put this on the "TV Moments that Angry up the Blood thread" a couple years ago.

Me: This doesn't get me angry. But it does annoy me. When a judge makes a negative comment on a talent show like American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance, the audience boos them. It's just an opinion, you can't love every performance."

I remember watching SYTYCD, and the judge Mary Murphy was judging this audition. She said: "This looked like what 5 or 6 yr olds would do at a dance recital." She wasn't trying to be mean, because I would have to say I agree with her. The other two guy judges agreed too. Is there a nicer way for her to say it? I don't think there is a nice way to say it.

Usually I do agree with the comments because it's kind of like they said what I was thinking. There was that show Rock the Cradle. There was a poor performance from a guy. This black woman June said: "That performance was painful." I have to agree with her. That guy was straining to hit the high notes, and I wasn't surprised when he got voted off by the viewers next week. All the judges gave it low ratings like 5/10.

Phrases: There are phrases like "brutally honest", "plain truth", and "truth hurts."

Taste of Edmonton: If you buy $20 worth of tickets, you may be able to get a good, filling meal. That's how much you would spend if you went to a sit down dinner in a restaurant. At Taste, if you don't buy any of those bubble tea drinks, lemonade, wine, coconut drinks in a coconut, or dessert like gelato, or other frozen treats, if you just buy the food. The food are like appetizers, so you have to buy only the hot food, no drinks or desserts, to get a filling meal.

Rookie Blue: I was watching it tonight and I got emotional. First I see Cory Lee and Samantha Munro from Degrassi on. Both shows are shot in Toronto. Det. Barber had a witness and lost him, then found him shot in the head. The gun was found in the Pimp's place where Dana (Samantha Munro) was. They lost a major witness before the trial, and they need a replacement. Andy and Jo convinces Dana to help the police.

Andy and Jo take Dana to the motel to protect her from the Pimp. Andy sees that Jo had hotel matches in her bag, so she knows there's something going on between Jo and Andy's fiance Luke. J and L have dated before. Last episode L did cheat on A with J. A left the motel, came back and J is hurt. Dana had beaten J up with a shower rod and escaped.

D calls pimp and cops got the call and mentioned a condo to meet at. The cops are at stake out to get Pimp and their witness. Pimp had gun and arrested him because you know he thought D had snitched and will shoot her. D starts crying as A holds her back. I got a little teary eyed her. There was good music and tension that was built up to the arrest.

In the middle of the ep, Epstien and Peck looked for a murder witness and found a little kid. They talk to him, but he doesn't talk back. He says something in Russian and I thought he wouldn't know how to speak English. I see the cop who does the translation is also on the Toronto shot cop show The Bridge. The kid's wrists have marks on them so it means he's been tied up.

They talk to the kid's adoptive parents and they said their therapist told them to tie his hands up. They want to hug him or pat him on the shoulder, and he freaks out because he's not used to being touched at all in the orphanage. Peck hands the kid a map, and he hands it to his mom. I got a little teary eyed here because he's interacting with his parents.

Cut back to Dana and she says she will take the rap for the Pimp.

D: I'm 17 and I will be out of jail in one or two years. If I talk, I will always look over my shoulder.
Andy: What did you see tonight?
D: I saw my man coming to take me home. That gun was for protection. I want my lawyer.

Gail Peck's mom makes an appearance because she's the superintendent. She's very uptight and strict. I like the part where she asks the little kid: "Did you see the big bad man who shot someone?" She used her facial expressions and hands, and the Russian kid understood it by shaking his head. I like that they mention Halifax.

I like how the characters work to get information and not have it handed easily. Traci and Swarek are driving an addict who said he's clean. They drove for a long time trying to get him to talk. Finally he says: "Look he says he's gone legit. Like he bought 4 condos under his mom's name." Now that's some good info.

Luke cheated on Andy, but A has packed her bags up and left.

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