Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Help defend civilians in Libya. Unite against injustice.

Help defend civilians in Libya. Unite against injustice.
Please make a donation today

March 24, 2011
Help keep Amnesty International researchers on the ground as change sweeps through the Middle East and North Africa
people want change
Donate Now
Your donation will help
keep Amnesty's field researchers on the ground in human rights flash-points like Benghazi
tell the world what is happening through our field reports to media worldwide
put pressure on decision-makers to ensure that this historic opportunity for human rights is not lost
campaign to stop the targeting of activists and journalists, and the distribution of arms
hold Col. Gaddafi to account before the International Criminal Court for crimes against their own people

Dear Human Rights Supporter,

“Gaddafi’s forces shot dead so many peaceful protesters and abducted many others who remain disappeared. If they come back into Benghazi the retribution against the population will be extremely harsh."
" I fear for myself and my children, and I fear even more for all those young people who took to the streets with no weapons than their dreams for a better future. They gave us all the courage to raise our heads and speak out against four decades of blind repression."

These words are from a Libyan activist a few days ago in Benghazi, Libya. The young woman who describes her fear, defiance and hope for the future was speaking directly to an Amnesty International researcher.

Amongst the rhetoric, the politicians jostling for attention and the media sensationalism, Amnesty International is in Libya, on the ground, giving eyes and ears to us all. We are there with no other agenda than to support and defend those who risk their lives to speak out for justice and freedom. And we need your help today to ensure that we can keep doing this for as long as it takes.

We are at our most powerful when we stand together for human rights. When we unite as a global movement against injustice, our voice can be heard. And through your support for Amnesty International, you are already part of that powerful global voice demanding justice, freedom and dignity in Libya and elsewhere.

Amnesty has been working in Libya and across the region for decades, working to free prisoners of conscience and supporting those risking everything to claim their human rights.

And what is happening this year in the Middle East and North Africa is nothing short of miraculous. After decades of enforced silence, millions have now stood up and demanded freedom and justice. It has been inspiring and humbling. It has already lead to the positive transformation of countless individual lives.

But the story of this "human rights revolution" is very far from over.

The rest of the story starts with you. In Libya and elsewhere, progress towards democracy and human rights is not inevitable. A donation made RIGHT NOW to Amnesty International will help us to keep working at full capacity during this absolutely critical year for human rights. It will enable us to keep teams on the ground in human rights flash-points like Benghazi and it will support the research, campaigning and lobbying that time and time again produces positive human rights impact.

The stakes have rarely been higher. By the end of this year, we could be celebrating the most incredible changes to the global human rights situation we have witnessed for a very long time. Please join the millions of others who are uniting against injustice by making a donation today.

Thank you,
Alex Neve
Alex sig

Alex Neve,
Amnesty International Canadian Section

Donate Now

P.S We really are a powerful force when we come together. Each and every supporter of Amnesty International is part of the solution. Your voice and your donation will combine with many thousands of others all over the world. It will ensure that our vital, life-saving work is resourced. And - together - we will work to make the dreams of the activist our researcher spoke to in Benghazi a reality.

Words and images from the Middle East & North Africa: 2011
Egypt Yemen Libya civilians Mouravi

Women in Egypt involved in protests were forced by the army to take virginity tests
At least 40 killed as snipers fire at protesters in Yemen Civilians and refugees in Libya need protection from a government who sees them as their enemy
Iran stiffles political dissent by detaining opposition leader

Photo credits: "People want change", Spencer Platt, Getty images; Egypt, Sarah Carr; Yemen, Giulio Petrocco,Demotix; Libyians in Benghazi, Patrick Baz, AFP/Getty: Iran, Andy Heath, Demotix

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