Thursday, May 6, 2010

personality test/ little jokes/ weird

May 3 Personality tests: Today I got a call from Payless Shoes to do a test, and it's more about personality. A question was: "What is the main reason for your failures?"

-Lack of ability
-Didn't try hard enough
-Bad luck

I would say lack of ability. I always do my best, and sometimes that isn't enough. But I know that giving your best effort is something that I can definitely control and do. If I didn't give my best effort, that's my regret. Lack of ability has some control, like you have to work harder at it. Sometimes you're either good at something or you aren't.

I would say that about math. I give my best, and that's how I pass. I'm not good at it. I wouldn't say bad luck. lol.

The Source has an online personality test too. Sunlife Financial has a test and there was a question:

1. The success I earned, I got a lot of help from others.
2. The success I earned, I got some help from others.
3. The success I earned, I got a little help from others.
4. The success I earned, I got no help from others.

I would have to say the first one. I had my parents pay for my college tuition, math tutors, my sister tutoring me in math, she give me tips on how to get a job and helped me get into college. I had a lot of financial help and schoolwork help from my family.

Well I wish I could be like my sister who works hard and is smart. She only really needs financial help from my parents to pay for school, and not homework help. Same with Patrick, but he has some homework help.

Stereotypes: I noticed this stereotype of a sassy grandma. There's one on Castle, and Jessica Walters plays one on Arrested Development and on 90210, so she's typecast.

Then there's the quirky female lead for sitcoms like My Life as Liz, Alice, I think, and Maybe it's Me.

I remember a long time ago in the movie review Heaven on Earth: "There's a black woman as a judge, because lots of judges are black women." I noticed that on an episode of S Club 7 in Miami.

I even remember The Jamie Kennedy Experiment where this trick was played on a young black woman. She was the personal assistant to 7th Heaven star Beverly Mitchell. The joke was: "Will her personal assistant take the fall for shoplifting so BM won't go to jail?"

She said: "I can't. My aunt is a judge. After this job, I'm supposed to become a teacher, and I can't have a criminal record."

So she did the right thing, and didn't take the fall for BM.

The above three stereotypes are not bad or sexist. There actually good stereotypes if there is such a thing as that.

May 4 Rant: Here's a mild rant. It's snowing in May. The thing is, I never really put away my winter coat until way later like June. One time when I was in Professional Writing, I put away my winter coat and got it washed. It was probably in April. Then next week it snowed and got really cold.

It was a hassle to take the winter coat out again. That's why I procrastinate in putting it away. Living in Canada has an effect on me. I always have to dress warmly in case it gets chilly, even in the summer.

Motivation: Producers and writers is like a dating relationship. I sent Josh Miller my The Fighter script in Mar. 2009 and the revised draft in Nov. 2009. He says: "Send a new script." It's like telling me to: "Lose some weight."

I'm getting myself motivated. I either send a script to him for free, or I pay $50 for some screenwriting contest. You know I'm cheap. The cold weather will make me stay in and focus on my job search. I found this site and was told from Sicilian Kitchen to work there, I needed to get this license to serve alcohol. It costs $50 to attend this seminar. I don't want spend money on something I probably won't use. Not until I do get hired at a restaurant, and they tell me to attend this class, I will.

Break: I kind of took a break today. I set up an account on a company site, and applied to two jobs there. I got a lot of phone calls and did little interviews over the phones and got information about the companies. I'm going to start my new call centre job tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.

If it's bad and I don't like it, then that will be a push to get back on my job search. It was kind of like that restaurant job I got at the beginning of last month where I only worked for one day. After one day there, I pushed myself all Easter weekend applying to banks. lol.

May 5: Today I woke up really late like at 11am. I have work today so I might as well enjoy the free time I have left. Also I know this morning I won't be looking for a job. I should be working on my script now that I got the most important task of getting a job out of the way. But I kind of procrastinated.

Fight: I checked what the new CSI: NY ep is tonight, and it's about "underworld of hardcore fighting"! That's just like my Fighter movie. I squealed with excitement.

Bad guys: Chris Craddock told me that my bad guys in my scripts are very business like. I sent him two scripts. I sent him a 3rd one, and he may say the same thing. I feel like I'm a goody two shoes and I can't write characters to be mean. If you're going to do something bad, make a profit of it. There is a strong reason. Greed is one of the deadly sins.

I like Damon on The Vampire Diaries. He's a bad guy. He kills people and doesn't feel guilty about it. He does have an agenda like bringing his vampire lover Katherine back from the dead. He also has a snarky sense of humor.

Little jokes: I saw this on the tail end of the show Crank Yankers. The puppets were working at a restaurant called "Subweigh." I burst out laughing at that. My nitpick is that when you say it, it's not immediately funny, you have to spell it out.

Unlike on the cartoon Dilbert (based on the comic strip), they went to "Homeless Depot."
Then there's South Park where Cartman's mom goes to "Unplanned Parenthood."

Or even when Michael Buble was on the Juno Awards red carpet.
Girl: What kind of Canadian music do you like?
MB: I think the band's name is Down with Dexter.
Girl: It's Down with Webster.

Or the time back when my math teacher Mr. Stabile said: "I think his name is like what uh, 5 Cent?"

Then there was The Simpsons episode where Marge tucks in Maggie. There is stuffed wolf.

Marge: Goodnight Justin Timberwolf.

May 6 Weird: Yesterday I started my new call centre job. I really liked it and was there for 7hrs. The office is great. After wards, I went home thinking: "If this place closes down by Dec. that's fine. Even if I lose this job this month, that's fine too."

Cut to today and I get a phone call where he said: "I heard some of your recordings, and you don't really seem to be right for us. I'm letting you go." I hung up and swore: "s---". I'm good. I did 9 completes for them.

I then thought: "If they let me go after one day, then that might have happened back in 2007. I went to Call centre #3 because they hired me with higher pay. Then they let me go. If only I went to Call centre #4, that wouldn't have happened." Well now it has. I had taken a day off from my job search yesterday because of work, but now I'm back on it.

Anger: It's been a few hrs after the phone call. I then called to clarify why I was let go.

Me: I did 9 completes for you.
Guy: Yeah, well there are people who got way more than you did.
(9 completes is a lot, but it looks like I'm in another ball park.)
Guy: You also skipped some parts of the survey.

I was talking to this man on the phone and he said: "Get right to the questions." So I felt rushed so I skipped this blurb that explained it. I gave it my best shot.

After I hung up with work, I swore again and said: "F--- it." I need to get angry and hate this job to be able to get over it. Now I'm over it. Though I will probably end up applying to Call Centre #4 again next year. I did that with Call Centre #3 until they laid me off last month.

You're probably thinking: "You're a masochist. You just keep going back to call centres even though they closed down on you, lack of job security, and let you go after one day." I like calling people up to do surveys. To console myself, I say: "This call centre will probably end up closing down later this year."

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