Monday, October 12, 2009

Eric Callero email

Remember Eric Callero? The guy who plays Cody Deveraux, the vampire assistant on Conan O' Brien? I emailed him on Oct. 6, 2009, on Facebook. The subject title was: "hey, I like you on Conan O 'Brien"

Here's the message:

Hi Eric

I really like you on Conan O' Brien. You're really funny. When I looked you up on the internet and saw you without Goth makeup on, I had a double take. I actually kind of like how you look better as a Goth.

I saw your black and white photos on your website. You kind of look like James Dean. Is that what you're going for?

Well keep up the good work.



Oct. 12, 2009, he emailed me back:

Hi Tracy,
Thanks for watching! Well all the makeup takes it toll on the skin so as much fun as it was to be a vampire, I don't think I could keep it up. Umm, I don't if it was on purpose, I just really like the 50's, so I guess it rubbed off on me.

take care,

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