Sunday, October 25, 2009

crazy/ late bloomers/ nice


crazy/ late bloomers/ nice

Oct. 22 Crazy: Today during my break at 1pm, the fire alarm was pulled and some guy starts yelling "Fire!" Everybody gets up, and the restaurants start closing up. A lot of people left, but then 3 fire fighters came in. These rumors were being spread that someone sprayed pepper spray around McDonalds and people couldn't breathe.

Then someone pulled the fire alarm because of it. I respect the security guards who work here. I see them escorting a lot of people out of the mall. It was crazy because yesterday the alarm was pulled too because of that gunman some blocks away.

Rant: Everything goes back to normal, but I'm annoyed that it did hurt our business because no one really bought a lot of food afterward. I'll then add my co- worker was then telling this couple to get a room when they were ordering food. Then the next couple over, I was helping, the guy there starts talking to the co- worker.

The guy got so angry, he left and his girlfriend shrugged and followed him. Couple 1 did stay and eat the food they ordered. Well I'm very annoyed. This is the 16th month I'm working here. When I was at Malatest sitting by this woman listening to her do the interview, I felt really bored.

I hope this call center job does work out. I think I'm annoyed at the Soup place because not everybody shows up for work everyday. I know they can't be like me and have perfect attendance, but I do feel overworked. I want them to hire more people.

Happiness: You may be thinking: "Oh what Tracy? How come you're not happy today?" Maybe because I rushed home and The Vampire Diaries and The Mentalist only to find out they were reruns. Well I did see a new ep of Flashforward. It was so cool, at the end, the good FBI agents look like they're done for when the car they got in exploded.

Then the four agents are still alive, and are shooting at the bad guys. They kill a couple of them, and then the 2 of them get away. The female FBI agent gets attacked, but fights off the bad guy in a good fight scene. Then she gets shot, but at least she shoots the bad guy. It's a cliff hanger if she will live.

I did see some of The City and checked out 90210. It seems I only like to watch these shows with my sister.

Writing: I'm hitting some writer's block because I only did some editing today, and wrote a scene yesterday. Though Conni Massing's questions are good: "Why do your characters do these things?" It's a lot to think about. I can find inspiration by reading about TV. I'll admit a couple of weeks back I was reading people's comments about Full House and Boy Meets World.

Oct. 23 Late Bloomers: I was reading in The Globe and Mail about late bloomers. Did you know that Tina Fey lost her virginity at 24? Chris Martin from Coldplay and Brooke Shields lost their virginities at 22.

There are forums called "I am a Late Bloomer", "I'm Still a Virgin and Don't Want to Be", and "48- year- old Virgin." It's on where people share "Personal stories about Life Expereinces." One woman who is a 24- yr- old virgin said she scared away 2 guys.
Me: I scared away one guy.

At the end of the article, Jessica O' Reilly, sexologist says: "Choosing to postpone partnered sex until a later age can be a healthy decision, as long as it's motivated by personal choice and not negative sexual repression. There can be a host of benefits around masturbation, learning about your own sexual responses, your own likes and dislikes. With age comes an improved ability to communicate and express yourself."

Funny: I did put that IM chat I had with that guy who asked me those sexual questions into my script. I turned it into a conversation between two characters, face to face. I have another character overhearing the convo and laughing at them. I did think: "What kind of message am I sending to young viewers out there? That being a virgin is bad?"

Also what is the point of this scene? It was to be funny. It was to lead in a direction for the lead character to go to. As I analyzed Rain, I realized that how the script begins seems similar to how the other script I'm selling begins too.

I thought this other thing was kind of unintentionally funny too. I was watching Flashpoint, and then I checked Space Channel, and The Listener was on. It was a repeat. I thought it was funny because both shows are shot in Toronto, and they used the same cameras and same blue/ green tint. I know they're both shot the same, but to see it back to back was interesting.

Kingsway: I went to Kingsway mall today and the mall has greatly improved since August. All the renovations are done except the food court. Arby's and that Ukranian restaurant closed down. It will be replaced by Kim Chi and Thai Express. Aerie, the spinoff from American Eagle is the only store under renovations.

The mall looks so good. It's more sleek and put together. There's a new store that sells Halloween costumes. There's also the usual Calender Club that popped up.

Job: I got my schedule from Malatest and I'll be working Mon.- Fri. 9:00- 4:30. Then I can be home and watch my prime time TV.

Actors: Today I was watching Dollhouse, and the actor Vincent Ventresca makes an appearance again. He was on last season. I first saw him back in 2004 on the cancelled TV show Invisible Man. He plays a guy who is part of an experiment ran by his brother. He was then able to become invisible and works for the govt. It's more of a comedy.

Saying: I was watching Dollhouse and there was a line that said: "You can't always predict or control the consequences."

US5: I decided to watch some live performances of this boy band US5. Wow, they can sing and dance. I've seen their videos, but now I can see their full choreographed dance routine and I am impressed.

Oct. 25 Nice: I asked a guy out, and he turned me down because he was in a relationship.  Well now he knows and I know.  At least he was very nice about it.

For the record, I got thick skin. I experienced a lot of rejection. Mainly from the past two years of trying to sell my script, and so many people have turned me down. I got rejected from Nait's TV and Radio program. I applied twice, and at fall and winter intake, but I didn't get in. Well academic and creative rejection are different from dating rejection.

Well it's good to be straight forward. I remember way back in gr. 7, this guy in my homeroom Nick Slade told me he liked me. It was towards the end of the year like June. We never really dated. Maybe because we didn't ask each other out. We were also really young, like 12 years old.

I then looked him up on Facebook, and I can't find him. I could look a bit harder.

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