Sunday, July 19, 2009

psychic/ Capital Ex/ open

Jul. 17 Psychic: Today I saw a psychic at Capital Ex. I cross this off the list of things that I wanted to do, but haven't. Well I do remember way back in gr.5, my friend Leslie read my palm. Leslie saw my life line, and said that I will live a long life. The psychic Nadia said the same thing, specifically late 80s.

Woo hoo! Well don't go start smoking. lol. Well I always wanted to go to a psychic, and she did seem reputable. There was a framed article of her from the Edmonton Journal. It also said she does readings at the Russian Tea Room. My friend Sonia said she went to the Tea Room for a psychic reading, and the psychic was right. It could be two different psychics. So I put $20 so she could read both my palms. It was crazy.

N is this young and pretty East Indian woman.

N: Your health is good. You will most likely have problems with indigestion, but nothing serious. It will only occur when your older.
(Good, no cancer. Though you should go to the doctor to get a physical.)

N: I see you as technical with using your hands and minds. You're creative. Are you into writing- ?
Me: Yes.
N: I see you going into that direction. Are you in school?
Me: You're psychic, aren't you supposed to know that about me?

N: Why are you making it so hard?
Me: I'm sorry, but I am a skeptic.
N: The palms can only tell me so much. You have to tell me some things about yourself, so I can see your direction. So do you go to school?
Me: No, I graduated with a diploma in the Professional Writing program at Grant MacEwan.

N: Well your education on your hand says there is more schooling to go.
(Maybe I should go take that screenwriting class.)
N: What's your job?
Me: I work at a restaurant.
N: That's not where you should be. It's good for now.

N: I see that you won't be married by choice. You see that it is inconvenient and you don't believe it's realistic.
(Maybe after watching 3 years of Dr. Phil from 2003- 2006 has that effect on me. Though it has certainly worn off since I quit 3 years ago. lol.)

N: You will not be very rich, nor very poor. You'll be stable. You work a lot, you will make a lot of money. You don't work a lot, you wont' make a lot of money. You'll be taken care of financially.
(True. I see that my family will take care of me. I am financially independent, somewhat.)

Me: Will I get that office job this year?
N: It will be Feb., or Mar. 2010.
Me: Oh what? I'm supposed to stop passing my resumes now?
N: Don't stop trying.

N: Your love line has this big question mark. Do you like boys or girls? Do you want to date or just hang out?
Me: Oh my God. I remember this time way back in 2001, people were joking around and saying that you should go to a psychic and ask them if you're gay, and they'll tell you.
(It was back in that band/ choir trip when we went to Vancouver. We were watching this pyshic on TV and that we should ask that question.)

Me: I like boys, and I do want to date.
N: You seem to put obstacles in front of yourself. You seem insecure.
Me: Well yeah, I am only a server.
N: I don't see you only doing that. This is only temporary.

N: You seem closed off physically, mentally, and emotionally and that's what stopping you.
(Well she is correct about that. I remember in 2002, high school pyschology class. We were supposed to rate with people if they seem open or closed, warm or cold. I saw myself as closed and cold, and 2 people rated me that too. Maybe she read me by how I looked. Though the way I was acting towards her seemed friendly).

N: Do you have any questions?
Me: Yeah, well will my TV script be produced?
N: Not with this company. It will be a few years before it does. You're young, and people will see you as someone with little experience. In a few years you will be going somewhere. You will be making sandwiches for a couple of years.
(I have lots of experience in writing. I've been writing scripts since 1999. 10 years. However 2 years of college got me that diploma. It did hold 10 years of writing as a hobby. I learned a lot by writing. You learn by doing.)

N: If you change, everything else will change. You need to be more open, be direct, and stop being so insecure.
Me: It's easier said than done. But I will change.
I was inspired.

Capital Ex: I did think I was being more open today. I went to this Vitamin Water van, because they were giving free samples. I talked to the cute guy there.

Guy: Have you tried this before?
Me: Well the apple one. It's green.
Guy: Rescue.
Me: Yeah.
I tried the lemonade and the XXX drink.

Me: So you got a pretty sweet gig here.
Guy: Yeah, but's it's so hot right now. We also can't put up the tent.
Me: Because it will block the van?

I also let a guy curl a little bit of my hair. I didn't really like how the curls looked. I also went to the station where I washed my hands with salt from the Dead Sea. She was trying to sell it to me. Afterwards my hands did feel smooth. The thing is I have warts on my right ring finger, and I have this skin condition on my right fingers. Last week I was at the doctor to get cream to fix it.

I saw the King Tut exhibit. I checked out the casino in there. I did check out the Baccarat casino in downtown. I watched on W- Five before that casinos all have to be the same. It has to be dark, no windows, no clocks.

Jul. 18 Open: Well I was going to hit the clubs today, and meet someone. However, it looked it was going to rain so I stayed home. Well I did go on the internet to do some online dating. I emailed 3 guys, and one of the deleted my email. (Fake cough in hand): "Rejected!" Well I am getting myself out there. I'm taking risks.

You know that saying: "If you aren't winning or losing anything, then you're not really trying." I lost, but I did try. I also find it easier to get rejected from a TV company anyway. It's not as personal. It's a script they're rejecting.

I am being more open. First I write my weekly emails and send it to all my friends. Then I put it up on my blog for the entire world to read. Though no one does. Well I know that my networking friend Chris does. I just sent an email to the TV producer John and told him about it. So he may be reading it. I told him I have the blog so I could be discovered like Juno screenwriter Diablo Cody.

Rant: Here's a mild rant. I was reminded today when I was talking to Ray. She says her sister does the laundry early in the morning and it wakes her up. She told her not to do that. That reminds me of when my sister was watching Jon and Kate Plus 8.

Me: Is this going to be half an hour?
S: No, it's for the whole hour.
Me: Well I thought it was going to be half so then I could print something.
S: So you can send it to a company where they won't produce it?

Well since that angered me, I went and started printing it in the middle of her show. My printer is very loud, so it forced S to turn up the volume of her show. Ha, ha. Well maybe you shouldn't have disrespected me. I was willing to wait until her show was over before I started printing, but the tables have turned.

Kris Andrews: I'm not totally over this yet. Remember how a few months ago I was asking: "If you were offered to be in a movie, would you do it?" I wasn't sure if KA was going to do it. If you look at his website, and stuff of him on Youtube, you don't know his personality. It doesn't have any interviews, I don't know his likes, dislikes, what TV show and movies he watches. Is he outgoing? I couldn't get a read on him. Now I know that he doesn't want to do a fight movie, though he's a fighter.

1 comment:

Chris said...

My friends keep telling me to check out that psychic at the Tea Room too. I love putting fortune tellers to the test. And at least they give you something to shoot for while you're testing them. March or February sounds pretty reasonable to me.