Wednesday, April 15, 2009

funny/ defense/ inspired

Apr. 12 Funny: I was watching Criminal Minds and there was this really funny part in it. The FBI have to find a man and a woman who are murdering college guys. The woman is to lure the guy into the hotel room, the man comes in and rapes and murders him. The FBI think it's the female suspect Julie.

Julie and the guy turns around like they are going back to her place. Agent Rossi is standing right there.

Rossi: Trust me kid, this is your lucky night.
I burst out laughing at that. I told it to Patrick. This joke works on two levels. It seems like the guy is going to get some, but he isn't. He is lucky that he will survive.

I was watching Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update." Seth Meyers says: "The TV show Guiding Light will be cancelled. There is a decrease in viewership once white people now got real problems." lol. I think he was referring to the recession.

Harper's Island: I saw this show the other night. It's about a wedding celebration that is held at Harper's Island, which is by Seattle. Each week, someone gets killed. It's a murder mystery. You should check it out. There are so many actors that I recognize on this show. Christopher Gorham plays the groom, I saw him on Popular and the short- lived show Jake 2.0 which was from Buffy producer David Greenwalt.

I see Gina Holden (Flash Gordon, Blood Ties), Brandon Jay McLaren (The Best Years), Harry Hamlin (Veronica Mars).

Writing: I was thinking about once again on Joss Whedon shows Buffy and Dollhouse, where people are under the influence of something, and remember what they did. I also remembered an ep of Angel season 1 that happened. This actress drugged Angel's drink with doxamil which makes him happy. As soon as Angel is happy, he becomes evil.

Angel then says all these mean things to his friends Wesley and Cordelia, and tries to kill them. They manage to get Angel unconscious, and chained him to the bed. Angel remembers what he did, and starts apologizing for what he did. See, now that's good. Unlike Smallville, with their lazy and bad writing, they just have the characters forget all the bad things they did without any consequences.

Job: Working on Good Friday was like working on a Sunday. Very little work. On Saturday, there was a lot of business. I've been working here for 11 months now.

Friends: On Wednesday I called up my friend Sherri and we talked a bit. Then on Friday and Saturday, I worked with my friend Ray. On Saturday, my friend Chamnouer actually dropped by at work. She mentioned that she wanted to see my gr. 12 yearbook, but I didn't know if she got the message. I didn't bring it, but I will next Saturday.

C says she likes the movie Slumdog Millionare, but didn't really like Watchmen. To each their own. I was talking to my friend Angela last night. She said there were actually a few guys who asked her out, but she turned them down because she's too busy.

Rant: I remember this one time back in 2001, I was on the website and I was reading "Horror Date." It was an old section where people write about bad dating experiences. I was 16 when I wrote a fictional story about a bad date, and it got published on the website.

There was this guy ranting about how dating for guys is really bad. The first rant was: "Guys always have to pay for the first date." I told this to my sister, and she's like: "Yeah well that is the rule." Then S started getting really angry when I told her this: "Then the guy says that girls get to choose the pace of the entire relationship."

S: Well yeah, you mean sexually? Because you can't force yourself on her.
Me: Then the guy says something about the Titanic and how the women and children got to get off the sinking boat.
S: That's because women were the weaker sex, and they get to go on it.
Then S says: " He must not be getting any." Well after the guy wrote his rant, a whole bunch of girls made comments that pretty much said the same thing that he wasn't getting any. It's an easy shot at him. Due to my memory, there were 2 guys who agreed with him. None of the girls dissed those 2 guys though.

Usually the guy Phil who is in charge of Ecrush, he makes a comment after the story of the date. However he wrote: "I'm going to let you guys do the talking." lol. When I was reading that guy's rant and the comments, I wasn't angry. I thought it was fun to read the discussion.

Apr. 13 Defense: Today my co-worker Jennifer was ranting about her boyfriend. I told her about the guy I was talking to through the online dating site, and he blocked me. Jen said: "What a jerk." I'm going to defend this guy. When we first started talking, we talked about mix martial arts (mma), TV, and movies. Then I didn't hear from him in two weeks. Then he emails me and we were IMing again. Then he blocks me.

I was talking to my friends Sherri and Angela about it. I don't have any bad blood against this guy because he blocked me for not having any sexual experience. I didn't know that could be a deal breaker, at least for him. Jen then said the exact same thing I said, that it's good that we ended it right then and there before we put any more time and effort into each other.

I also got another flashback of the show Angel. The police all take sensitivity training, and touch this magic stick that later makes them all act wild and crazy. Then they blame it on the alcohol they had at the bar where a retirement party was held. Angel also touched the stick. He and the cops remember everything they did, and dealt with the consequences.

Apr. 14 Saying: You know the saying: "You miss all the shots you never take." Last week I saw a job posting to write a script for this guy. I sent him an email, he asks for 2 of my writing samples. I sent it to him. 5 days later, I emailed him today asking if he will hire me. Don Krouskop emails me this:


I did have the opportunity to read your samples, and was very impressed. However, another writer has already been chosen to script this project. His vision for the material was just too close to my own for me to pass on him.

I will definitely keep you in mind for future projects!


Apr. 15 Inspired: Wow, he said "very impressed." Well today, one of the production companies emailed me back after reading it. The first two paragraphs were about what the story was. Then it says this:

"This script needs a major overhaul in many areas- particularly character development, plot, structure and most certainly dialogue – before it can be considered ready for production."

Ouch. Well I needed to hear that to improve the script.

Weird: I got onto my email account, and it was so weird. The guy who I was talking to on that online dating website, the guy who blocked me. Well today he then asked me to be put onto his IM list again. So I did. I can easily delete him later.

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