Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Cat with 8 Lives"

"Cat with 8 Lives" by Tracy Au (Creative Writing class 2006)

I'm a cat with eight lives. I can be calm as a housecat lying on the couch watching comedy movies filled with sex jokes. I can be a tiger jumping up and growling when getting angry watching guests on Dr Phil. I can be calm as water flowing through a stream when on the internet reading about TV shows. I can be a squiggly line that moves up and down when laughing at the people on make jokes like: "Is NSYNC'S Lance Bass gay, gay, gay or bi, bi, bi?"

I am a butterfly, always up and moving everywhere mentally in my mind. There is always the mechanical sound of a computer being booted up. It's like I'm always on. I'm a black car because it's my favorite color and I blend into the night. I'm a pizza, unhealthy because it's fattening, but healthy because it has all the four food groups.

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